White Horse Princess Dress Up

White Horse Princess Dress Up

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White Horse Princess Dress Up 介绍

White Horse Princess Dress Up

With the White Horse Princess you can easily create magic of your very own by dressing your princess up in her royal outfits. This beautiful princess dress up game allows you to click on the icons on the right hand side of the screen multiple times to shuffle through the different styles of clothing and accessories that can be mixed and matched to complement your princess’s beautiful face.With this dress up games objective you can easily choose for your princess to wear one of many crowns, tiaras, or bows, and can even change her hair style and colour to suit her stunning white horse. Featuring a number of accessories including elegant earrings to sparkling necklaces, this girl games princess will definitely look her best. You can even toggle the dress icons and match a beautiful long flowing skirt and top or a full length dress that will suit a whole assortment of fashionable shoes.Easy to use, once you have mixed and matched her outfit you can easily click the "Show" button to see what she looks like completed, and then press replay to easily create another stunning and beautiful outfit that is fit for an upcoming queen.Standing in front of the majestic flowing river, your princess will capture the heart of all those around her while being complimented with the arrangement of bright flowers. Standing beside her is her faithful and kind white horse which features a matching saddle and jewels. Ready to take on the world this dress up game for girls will have you feeling like a princess while getting your very own white horse princess ready to rule her kingdom and her people in with pride. This princess games for girls will give you hours of fun and enjoyment in your day.With this dress up games objective you can easily choose for your princess to wear one of many crowns, tiaras, or bows, and can even change her hair style and colour to suit her stunning white horse. Featuring a number of accessories including elegant earrings to sparkling necklaces, this girl games princess will definitely look her best. You can even toggle the dress icons and match a beautiful long flowing skirt and top or a full length dress that will suit a whole assortment of fashionable shoes.Easy to use, once you have mixed and matched her outfit you can easily click the "Show" button to see what she looks like completed, and then press replay to easily create another stunning and beautiful outfit that is fit for an upcoming queen.Standing in front of the majestic flowing river, your princess will capture the heart of all those around her while being complimented with the arrangement of bright flowers. Standing beside her is her faithful and kind white horse which features a matching saddle and jewels. Ready to take on the world this dress up game for girls will have you feeling like a princess while getting your very own white horse princess ready to rule her kingdom and her people in with pride. This princess games for girls will give you hours of fun and enjoyment in your day.

来自应用汇: White Horse Princess Dress Up //www.stclairws.com/app/com.ninepixel.whitehorseprincessandroid?from=spi-desc

White Horse Princess Dress Up 版本更新

+ Android 64 bits compatibility added

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  • la28 2019-06-13

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