NOMone VR Browser

NOMone VR Browser

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NOMone VR Browser 介绍

NOMone VR Browser

Browse normal web-sites while wearing the VR glasses. Perfect for reading while in bed!
- Transforms the tiny screen into a whole new experience.
- You don't have to hold the mobile in your hand.
- Attach a keyboard and you have what resembles a full desktop experience. You can actually get stuff done.

The browser is still undergoing heavy development, but it's perfectly usable. Based on your feedback, we'll decide what to do next (like fixing issues and introducing features).

License agreement:
NOMone VR Browser is family friendly and we want to keep it this way. We didn't develop this application to be the new way of watching porn online. As such, the application attempts to block access to pornographic content. By downloading this application you agree to not using it in viewing pornographic content. You also agree to avoid using any means to circumvent this block.

- You have to connect a pointing device at least (like a USB/bluetooth mouse or a VR controller).
- From the options menu, use the calibration settings to get the ideal configuration for your cardboard or VR glasses for optimum VR/3d experience.
- Play stereoscopic side by side videos in the non-VR mode and fix their aspect ratios using the full screen actions menu.
- If you have a small screen, try decreasing the browser scale to show more content in the same area.
- Long click zoom buttons to change text size.
- A basic ad pop up blocking is in place to give you less hassle while browsing.
- Feel safe around your toddlers, for the browser has built-in porn blocking that you can't disable!
- You can have multiple tabs. Use them!
- If you have a bluetooth VR controller, use the mouse mode (press "Fn + D"). You can drag continuously by holding left click down and using the analogue stick.
- Play html5 games. For starters, try our game
- Watch NetFlix and other video streaming services (if you have Android 5+ and hardware DRM support). Note: never tested :D
- Sign up for a Cloud 9 IDE account. Happy coding!
- Install X11VNC and connect to your remote machine using NOVNC.
- Install a local server, like Palapa Web-server and install your tools. Now, control everything from the browser.

Known Issues:
- The normal soft-keyboard is not fit for VR browsing. You'll have to close your right eye to see the left part and vice versa.
- Back button closes the browser (sorry!).

Coming up next:
- VR keyboard.
- Theater mode (for 360 degree immersion and more video formats support).
- Save/Load tabs from last times.
- Keyboard shortcuts.
- More scrolling options (for now, right click and drag. Works very well with VR controllers).
- Most frequently visited launch screen.
- Lens correction.
- Mixed reality mode (have the browser in front of you, but see the camera feed when looking to the sides).

If you'd like to see the above implemented, please support us! We think the VR Browser is a great idea, help us make it work. For now, try the application and tell us what you think. Also, follow us on Facebook:

Thanks a lot :)

来自应用汇: NOMone VR Browser //

NOMone VR Browser 版本更新

- Fixed crash on Android Pie devices.

- Updated ad-blocking.

- Fixed black screen on Android 5.0 devices.

- Bluetooth remote related fixes.

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NOMone VR Browser 信息







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