SOS Game

SOS Game

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SOS Game 介绍

SOS Game

SOS game gives you Incredible features and High Graphics Experience.You can Play with your Friends and also we are gives you our smart AI features that play with you.SOS game is very famous board game. We provide leaderboard for competition for top ranking.SOS game is world wide famous board game.------ Features ------- Amazing Graphics Experiences.- Smart AI Features available for gives real time responses.- SOS game with Fabilious sound unlimited hours of fun for free.- You can also play SOS game locally with you friend with high playability.------ Game Rules ------- It's turn based game play with two player.- Sos is a turn based board game played by two players in a 2D grid.- Players apply moves by putting one of "S" or "O" letters on an available box.- Turns changed consecutively.- If a player makes an SOS sequence as vertical, horizontal or diagonal he/she gets 1 points and makes another move.- The game is over when all boxes are filled.- The player who has biggest score wins the game.------ Google Play Game Services -------Submit your score to global leaderboard.-Compare your rank with your friends.-Get your score at google leader board that saved your score at ever.-Play with thousand of player.-Get and Set to invite your friends with our better functionality.-Share your amazing experience with your friends.Get in Touch with Our SOS Game Community.SOS-King-Community Get in Touch with Our Game Studio Community that gives all game Information.Oengines Studio Community

来自应用汇: SOS Game //

SOS Game 版本更新

Improve graphics and resolve series of bugs.

Add interesting word game puzzle with lots of word.

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OEngines Studio

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