Piano Kids - Music & Songs

Piano Kids - Music & Songs

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Piano Kids - Music & Songs 介绍

Piano Kids - Music & Songs

"Piano Kids - Music & Songs" is a fun musical game for kids. They learn to play different instruments, wonderful songs and exploring different sounds!This game is specially designed for kids to play and learn for fun.The whole family can develop their musical talent and composing songs together!Babies can also play and enjoy exploring different sounds (animals, transportation, comic sounds) and learn to pronounce numbers and letters of the alphabet.HOW MUSIC BENEFIT CHILDREN?★ Increase the skills to listen, memorize and concentrate.★ It stimulates the imagination and creativity of children.★ It stimulates the intelectual development, motor skill, sensory, auditory and speech of children.★ Improve sociability, causing children interact better with their peers.KEY FEATURES★ Totally FREE!★ 3 GAME MODES:--- INSTRUMENTS mode --- Piano, Xylophone, Drums percussion. Each instrument has real sounds and representation. The child can give free rein to their imagination to compose their own melodies in the different instruments.--- SONGS Mode --- Can learn to play wonderful songs. The "Auto Play" mode plays the song to learn the melody. Then can play it alone following the aid. Funny characters are accompanying the music and tell the child that note to play. Can choose to play songs with the following instruments: Piano, Xylophone, Guitar, Flute--- SOUND mode --- Allows select several collections of objects with representing images and sounds. Children become familiar with their sounds and learn to identify them. The child can explore and recognize the different sounds of objects as well as learn the pronunciation of numbers and letters of the alphabet in English and Spanish.★ Sounds of real instruments and high quality (Piano, xylophone, guitar, drums, flute)★ 20 famous songs to learn to play.★ Fantastic Auto Play Mode to play the selected song.★ Can select the representation of the scales "DO-RE-MI" or "CDE".★ Languages: English - Spanish ★ Intuitive and easy to learn, even for babies!*** DO YOU LIKE OUR APP? ***Help us and take a few seconds to rate it and write your opinion on Google Play.Your contribution will enable us to improve and develop new free games.

来自应用汇: Piano Kids - Music & Songs //www.stclairws.com/app/com.orange.kidspiano.music.songs?from=spi-desc

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Orange Studios Games




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