Gun Strike Zombies

Gun Strike Zombies

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Gun Strike Zombies 介绍

Gun Strike Zombies

One day, there was a huge meteor carrying unknown viruses falling onto our earth. More and more people were infected and turned into zombies. You must stop the zombie invasion and survive in this difficult/rough world...★ Q versionContinue the Q version and funny style from the previous Gun Strike Series, suitable for both adults and children.★ Easy/simple controlTouch to shoot, slide to slash, game goes on even if you attack randomly.★ Variety types of ZombiesRunning, Jumping, Throwing…etc variety types of zombies with different type of attacking strategy, players must understand the weaknesses of each zombie in order to kill them for efficiently.★ Special Weapons EffectVariety of weapons available for players with special gun effects such as burning, freezing, lightning, attracting zombies to stop actions by feeding them…etc. Weapons capable of upgrading to increase the fighting abilities largely.★ Supporting itemsVariety of items available for purchase and helps with completing stages and missions. Items includes those that improves buff ability, various types of grenades and skills (have CD time).★ Exclusive suits available for players sign in dailySign in everyday to get rewards and enter into draw weekly to win a powerful exclusive suits that is only available as rewards and not purchasable.Facebook:

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  • 网游玩家反馈Q群:581499375

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