Hello Blocky Neighbour in Town

Hello Blocky Neighbour in Town

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Hello Blocky Neighbour in Town 介绍

Hello Blocky Neighbour in Town

Things got changed since you left the town and now you have came back to this blocky neighborhood. You have decided to take revenge from your neighbors. The evil plan you had in your mind, it's time to implement it. Tease your neighbors with your crazy tricks. Go to their great mansions and steal things from their backyards. You will find plenty of useful things like their tool boxes, chairs, tables, important documents, wooden boxes, volleyballs to play and many more. It's a scary task so be secretive and cautious else you will have to face the deadly consequences of stealing from neighbors mansions. It's an open city, so wander around freely and take things from anyone's house but beware police officers are on patrolling and you can be sentenced to prison as punishment. There can be dogs as well protecting the houses. Escape from the houses after stealing and survive the terror of being caught. There houses are like maze it's easy to enter and difficult to get out. Once you get into their backyard and collected things you have to carefully survive your escape. Use everything to survive because escaping is not going to be an easy task. breakout of their hunted blocky mansions and collect things to stay alive.Features of Hello Neighbors Blocky in Town:Stunning blocky graphicsFree roaming with realistic gamephysicsAmazing sound effects and interesting gameplayMissions to complete

来自应用汇: Hello Blocky Neighbour in Town //www.stclairws.com/app/com.pcs.hello.neighbors.blockyInTown?from=spi-desc

Hello Blocky Neighbour in Town 版本更新

-New Winter Mission Added

-Buy Your own House

-Addictive Game Play Added

-Addictive Sounds & Music Added

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