Movie Poster Maker

Movie Poster Maker

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Movie Poster Maker 介绍

Movie Poster Maker

Create popular movie posters like posters with your face.Ever wondered how you, awesome as you are, would fare in place of your favorite actor on the poster of the newest hit movie?Have a great idea for the big blockbuster and want to see how it would look on a movie poster? Now, with the Movie Poster Maker, these dreams can be your reality. Poster Maker & Poster Designer:- Simple is art, art is simple - Typography & Artwork -You can choose the one you like and save it or share it. You can use this to put text on photo, create flyers, design a standee concept, or use it as a quote creator, only one touch with Poster Maker & Poster Designer: An easy way to design.Choose any font type that make you impressed, bring it to your text framography.To impress upon yourself, and even your friends, your undeniable awesomeness- awards can be added to the finished movie poster. Upon completion of your work of art, a photo montage can be automatically done into a real location such as a bus stop or subway wall and then either stored in your personal photo gallery, or better yet shared with all your friends framozone.The 'Movie Poster Maker' App is a creative tool that allows you to create your own movie poster by photo video apps.Do you like to create posters and banners like horror movie posters, old movie posters? Then this is a gift only for you! Here you will get different template along with a collection of punch line, extra text, actor name, movie title, release date etc.Now it’s time to express your creativity with posters making. You can share it with your friends or save it in your photo gallery. Every saved poster is kept in the phone and you can view it when you want. Of course you can also delete it.Movie Poster Maker Kayword Like :-* Movie Poster Maker.* Movie Effect Style photo editor.* Move Poster Editor.* Movie Effect Photo Editor.* Movie Effect Photo Maker.* Movie FX Photo Editor.* Movie FX Pixel Effect.* Movie Effect changer photo Maker- Movie Poster Maker & Poster Designer: Amazing things made by yours Photos. *** Key Features **** Typo fonts.* Design posters with/without a background image.* Ease to generate your concept.* Multiple lines of text are possible.* Different text arrangement is possible.* Fine tune your poster by editing text alignment, font, color or effects.* Text can be scaled, moved and rotated.* Change your text or add more text directly.* Poster can be saved or shared.* You can add your own elements or download from our templates.* Select image from gallery or click new image from camera.* Many Photo Border and Frames Available to add to your photos.Thank you ... for your ..*****... valuable feedback....

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