Rope Hero Spider

Rope Hero Spider

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Rope Hero Spider 介绍

Rope Hero Spider

Rope Hero Spider

Become a Rope Hero Spider who saves the city

Download and Play the latest very exciting simulation game Rope Hero Spider ! Our hero can climb walls and with his web tools he can fly around the city.

Use all your fantastic power and marvelous strategy to protect the people of the city. This is the best Rope Hero Spider games available on the store.

It's time to show everyone who’s boss by using your supernatural powers and shooting rivals with web and ruling the streets. You are a Superhero, who does need glory - just revenge.

Are you ready to rescue a people from horrible life among blood, shots, bandits and killers?

You as a Rope Hero Spider are given a full sized city where you can go nuts, but don’t go on a rampage because then the cops will be upon you. The action in this crime simulator 3d game revolves around shooting and killing your enemies.

To stop these criminals you have to complete a lot of missions and you need to learn how to fly helicopter and jet planes. Rope Hero Spider is action packed with lots of missions. When you are driving around in you can look on the minimap for missions or you can use the quick buttons to start right away a mission.

★ Superhero Game
★ Fly as super hero
★ Epic storyline
★ Widescreen resolution support
★ Beautiful new graphics

For any suggestions or bugs, Please write to

cking up passengers and dropping them off safely at their destination. Get on board and drive the bus to complete all the routes/missions. Amazing new traffic system will let you enjoy driving like never before.

Experience the joy and thrill of racing around the city in a bus of your choice ! Rush on the highway and drive at lightning speed! It is exciting to steer a big vehicle and dash around the town!
Dodge around traffic and reach your destination!

- Don't run over passengers while parking the bus in a Bus Stop
- Once passengers are in and the mission has started, you cannot drive rashly
- Watch for peds and traffic car on the road and drive carefully

Optimized game performance
- Realistic vehicle pyhsics, high quality graphics
- Tilting, button or steering wheel controls.
- Realistic Cities
- Drive in the city, desert, mountain and highway
- Many detailed Buses to choose from
- Open/Close Doors button for Driver and the passenger
- AI Trafic
- Free Ride/open-world ride Mode
- Detailed Interiors

For any suggestions or bugs, Please write to

来自应用汇: Rope Hero Spider //

Rope Hero Spider 版本更新

- APK Size Reduced to just 50 MB
- Brand New City
- More taller buildings
- Lot of props to destroy on roads

Rope Hero Spider 类似游戏

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Rope Hero Spider 信息







Ping9 Games

  • 获取粗略位置
  • 获取精确位置
  • 获取网络状态
  • 获取WiFi状态
  • 访问网络
  • 开机自动允许
  • 使用振动
  • 唤醒锁定
  • 写入外部存储
  • 客服邮箱
  • 微博/微信合作QQ:2651009334
  • 网游玩家客服QQ:1214123632

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