Frontline Lone Commando 3d

Frontline Lone Commando 3d

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Frontline Lone Commando 3d 介绍

Frontline Lone Commando 3d

The game is about a military commando who is lost in battle field. Are you ready to take this action packed adventure game? You will find different assault missions which include deadly weapons. “Frontline Lone Commando 3d” has all the features that include the basic elite shooter missions. I has awesome visual effects which interacts user interface.

Suppose you are the only commando left in the war and the army is dependent on you. The enemy military invasion is also there. The enemy has crossed the borders and there is big threat to your survival. You have to play a role for your nation and fight for your brothers in military.

You are provided with top weaponry which includes Ak47 assault rifle and a shotgun for your assistance. You are the only commando left in the combat. Take a camouflage, hide behind the hurdles and kill all those enemies.

- Fight with army as a lone commando.
- Mobile controls are too much smooth.
- Shoot precisely and don’t let the enemy go.
- Special assault Ak47 effects.
- Realistic Shotgun controls.

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  • 微博/微信合作QQ:2651009334
  • 网游玩家客服QQ:1214123632

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