Car Racing Winter

Car Racing Winter

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Car Racing Winter 介绍

Car Racing Winter 3d champion racing, rally game is all free, just download and playing this 3D nice fantastic winter snowy game. Now you can become a true champion of racing. This amazing racing game lets you drive fast cars and winning championships at high speeds. You like sports, and your passion is high speeds on high racing road with super sports car, just play this game. This is very basic of champion car sports racing, rally game. Racing, rally your sports super car with high speed on racing road and nice fantastic winter snowy environment, doing some more thrilling and relaxing with some drifting your super sports car on racing highway and take champion winner is much funny and exciting. Just take your dream sports super car and start your racing. Challenge your mind with artificial intelligent computer players How to play This game is very easy to play, with some simple buttons. Just press gas button and speed up your dreams sports cars on speed high racing road. You're highway star. There're gas, break and change view control buttons to play, that's much easy - Gas, break buttons to control your racing , rally car - Swing your device or using steering buttons to control your car steering - Automatic gear of your racing , rally car - Camera button to change your view of racing , rally carFeatures: - Amazing realistic graphics of super sports cars , nice racing rally road and fantastic winter snowy environment- Simple controls buttons with gas, break ones to do your racing, rally dream super sports cars on racing road fantastic winter snowy environment- Swing your device to control your super sports racing, rally cars- Automatic controlling gear of your racing, rally sports super cars- Camera button to change your vision of racing , rally super sports cars- 5 more AI(Artificial Intelligent) - computer players for your challenge

来自应用汇: Car Racing Winter //

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updated, fixed bugs, remove some ads for this car racing winter game

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用户对 Car Racing Winter 的评论

  • 云 添 2020-06-08


  • la28 2019-06-16

    榴铭 ~\(≧▽≦)/~

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Car Racing Winter 信息






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  • 微博/微信合作QQ:2651009334
  • 网游玩家客服QQ:1214123632

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