Play The Future

Play The Future

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Play The Future 介绍

Play The Future

Play The Future is a unique game that gives you the power to predict...and the chance to win real prizes! Put another way, it's like trivia....except you can't cheat because the answers haven't happened yet.Play is simple: use your brain to make a prediction, wait for the future to happen, then check your results. How accurate were you? Did you beat your friends’ predictions? Earn points based on accuracy and friend challenges to fly up the leaderboard and win real-world prizes! Don’t just see the it!Key Features:►Brand new questions added every day about a wide variety of popular topics and events; there’s truly something for everyone!►Free “Keys” that refill throughout the day; use them to unlock hints that add precision to your predictions►Challenge your friends to see who comes out on top (and for bonus points)!►A treasure chest of results--check your accuracy, how you did vs. other players, and much more!►Earn points and climb leaderboards►THOUSANDS of dollars in REAL prizes given away, every month, from Canadian Tire, Via Rail, Boston Pizza, Twitter, Beyond the Rack and many more!If that all sounds good to you, what are you waiting for? Play The Future, now...before it’s tomorrow!

来自应用汇: Play The Future //

Play The Future 版本更新

Some minor improvements.

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Play The Future Inc

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