Vocabulary for IELTS

Vocabulary for IELTS

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Vocabulary for IELTS 介绍

Vocabulary for IELTS

Improve your IELTS Vocabulary using this App. It has Academic Word list, words of different topics which are asked in IELTS exam, multiple tests.This IELTS Vocabulary dictionary is off line Application.You can learn IELTS words without any internet connection.It has Flashcards and Tests on Important words.This IELTS Test app has following features.* Tests with multiple levels to improve IELTS word power.* IELTS words on different topics like Academic word list, Education, Work, Environment,Health Etc* IELTS Flashcards.* Most important IELTS words are added to favorite word list.* Navigation drawer to go specific word list category easily.* Offline pronunciation.* Add word to Mastered list if you are familiar with that word.* Search for words using intuitive search functionality.IELTS Vocabulary is needed for all 4 skills of IELTS exam like Writing, Speaking, Listening and Reading.To make your IELTS Exam preparation easy Several Quiz are added in this App so that you can test your IELTS Vocabulary.Learning all important words in this app can be very useful if you want do well in all four sections.These words can be very helpful if you want to improve your IELTS VocabularyStart your IELTS preparation now by daily learning few IELTS words with this app.

来自应用汇: Vocabulary for IELTS //www.stclairws.com/app/com.praveenj.ielts?from=spi-desc

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