Back To the moon Guide

Back To the moon Guide

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Back To the moon Guide 介绍

Back To the moon Guide

The most touching story is not all that this remarkable game can boast of. An exciting game to the moon that is available now and on your mobile devices. This game will put you in a new world of magic and miracles. It will show you real human kindness and teach you to appreciate life. The game takes place in the hospital with a special service and unusual staff. In the hospital, elderly people live out their last days, which are filled with regret about not lived moments and unfulfilled dreams. The hospital staff constantly monitor the extinction of lives, find a way to help all the elderly and sick people. A guy with a girl goes on a trip in order to realize the dreams of all the inhabitants of the hospital. The plot of the game will touch you to the core, and the graphics will pleasantly surprise your anime style.Features and specifics of the game to the moon:- an interesting and fascinating plot that will dip you into a world where everything is possible, and in which you can reach the moon.- you can play with your friends and make people's dreams come true. Give them a moment of happiness.- Stylish graphics and text in a running line that tells you the story and plot of the game.- With the game to the moon you have an interesting leisure.- Ability to play on your mobile phone or tablet.- help in the hospital will educate you in humanity, and complex puzzles will help develop the logic and speed of perception.Two doctors create artificial memories in the head of sick patients, putting everything they dreamed about in life. In this game you will cooperate with one customer who on his deathbed turned for help to these unusual doctors. Managing characters, you will gradually learn the story of the life of the hero and put all events together in order to determine the reason for this desire of the patient. The game tells you an incredible love story between a man and a woman. The game to the moon, about how events change a person forever and are driven to absolutely incredible deeds. The game received the highest ratings of all gaming aggregators and deserved more than one award. It is not original and was created by fans of fans of this game.

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