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BattleText 介绍


Confident in the size of your vocabulary? Show it off in this new word-based battle game! Play through Story Mode and try your best to outsmart one of the 6 word champions the game presents you with. With 8 stages for each opponent, each stage with its own set of rules and parameters you have to follow, it’ll keep you glued to your seat and your eyes glued to your screen for hours on end.If playing against the computer isn’t your thing, then try your hand at the Multiplayer Mode. Just connect your Facebook account to the app on your phone or tablet and, not only will it save your progress, but it’ll even let you challenge your friends to a friendly game of Battle Text. And if none of your friends are playing just yet, you can use the Quick Match feature to play against a random opponent!Careful, though, because you can’t just send in random words. Every word you use has to start with the same letter that the previous word ended with, and on some levels specific letters are banned. But don’t worry, if you’re at a loss for a word that fits the criteria established for you, you can just use the Auto-Complete feature to get a few options that would get you through your current situation. And if you ever run out of Auto-Completes, you can always buy them through an in-game purchase.Features:6 unique personalities to compete against48 different levels to play through in Story ModeMultiplayer Mode! Play with friends or strangers!Social media connection so you can keep your progressIn-game purchases to get more Auto-Completes and to remove ads

来自应用汇: BattleText //

BattleText 版本更新

Bug fixes and performance improvements.

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