Super Effects Camera

Super Effects Camera

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Super Effects Camera 介绍

Super Effects Camera

Check out our FREE Super Effect Selfie Camera APP!
The Super Effect Selfie gives each fan a chance to modify their photos by adding super power effects.

Superpower is a popular culture term for a fictional superhuman ability.
When a character possesses multiple such abilities, the terms super powers or simply powers are used. It is most frequently used in pulp magazines, comic books, science fiction, television shows and film as the key attribute of a superhero.

With our Super Photo Effects Selfie Camera you can actually add some of our fantastic superpower effect we have callected for you.
Starting from gun filters, anime / manga (Dragon Ball, Naruto), nature powers to comics effect and SFX (anime / manga)

● Take a photo with the camera
● Load a photo from the phone
● Apply awesome graphical effects and filters!
● Save the modified picture
● Share pictures via email, Facebook, Twitter, etc
● Add gun effects, anime / manga (Dragon Ball, Naruto), nature powers, comics filters or SFX
● anime/manga filters: hairstyles, ki auras, Ki blasts and many more

Many forms of fiction feature characters attributed with superhuman, supernatural, or paranormal abilities, often referred to as "superpowers" (also spelled "super powers" and "super-powers") or "powers".
This tradition is especially rich in the fictional universes of various comic book stories, movies, and video games.
Below is a list of many of those powers / filters that have been used in this Super Effects Selfie Camera App.
● Gun effects: flamethrower, missles, smoke cannon, laser beam,
● Anime / manga related attacks: Dragon Ball ( Goku Kamehameha and Genki Dama, Freezer Death Ball, Krillin Destruction Disk, Ki Aura ) , Naruto ( Naruto Ransagen, Sasuke Chidori )
● Nature weapons: lightning bolt, fire ball, supernova, energy whirl, meteor
● Comics effects: BOOM, POW, BOMB
● Japanese sound effects (SFX)

Types of Powers - Despite their vast diversity, most powers fall into a handful of categories defining their core identity :
Function : powers centered on what they do, usually specialized on relatively specific fields.
Source : powers centered on its origin (usually supernatural) allowing a variety of applications.
Mecanism : powers centered of the manipulation of immanent laws of reality.
Concept : powers centered on an idea, allowing essentially any effect related to it.
Unfathomable : powers without actual cause/mecanism, defined as beyond understanding.

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