Four-stroke Otto engine VR 3D

Four-stroke Otto engine VR 3D

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Four-stroke Otto engine VR 3D 介绍

Four-stroke Otto engine VR 3D

Four-stroke Otto engine
This animation demonstrates the type of engine most commonly used in cars.
Explore technology with our interactive 3d animations! Be actively involved in learning about technology by following the latest results of 3D animation.

Available languages: English, Deutsch, Français, Español, Русский, العربية, 日本語, 中文, Italiano, Magyar

Mozaik Interactive 3D
Unlike video animation, interactive technology improves audience engagement as it implies exploration and adventure.
Our fully interactive scenes can be rotated, enlarged or viewed from pre-set angles. With the predefined viewpoints, the user can easily navigate through the complex scenes. Most of our 3D scenes include narrations and built-in animations. They also contain captions, entertaining animated quizzes and other visual elements. The 3D scenes are available in several languages, which also offers an opportunity to learn and practice foreign languages.Our team has been developing interactive digital learning materials for several years and our experience shows that such content is extremely captivating for both children and adults.

Usage and navigation
Rotate the scene by dragging your finger.
Zoom the scene in or out by pinching with your fingers.
Pan the view by dragging with three fingers.
Tap the buttons at the bottom to switch between predefined views.
If available in a specific view, use the virtual joystick to walk around.
You can change the language and set other functions in the context menu.
The context menu can be accessed by touch the bottom corners.
You can activate the VR view by pressing the VR goggles icon in the bottom icon bar.

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Four-stroke Otto engine VR 3D 版本更新

user interface update

small bug fixes

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