SMS Backup & Restore Add-On

SMS Backup & Restore Add-On

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SMS Backup & Restore Add-On 介绍

SMS Backup & Restore Add-On

Add-On for SMS Backup & Restore - Allows the app to

- Send automated emails after a backup.

- Automatically upload to Dropbox.

This app does not appear in the list of apps in the phone Launcher. It is used by the SMS Backup & Restore app and gets opened from the "Backup Settings" screen of that app.

Dropbox Settings:

This app only has access to its own folder and does not have access to other Dropbox folders.
Check the "Use Browser for Authentication" if you want to use your default/external browser for authentication rather than the built-in functionality.

Email Settings:

All the settings on the screen are dependent on the Mail Service Provider that you use. The details about the service can be found on the providers site. Some of the common ones are linked at the bottom of this section.

Sender Email Address: The email address from which the email should be sent.

Recipient Email Address: The email address of the recipient. If you are sending the email to yourself then this will be the same as the Sender Email Address.

SMTP Server: The HostName/IP Address of the email SMTP server. For example: for Gmail.

Port: The port used by the SMTP server. Normally 25/465/587. For example: 465 for Gmail.

Security: The security used for connecting to the SMTP server. Use SSL/TLS for Gmail.

Require Login: Checked if the SMTP server needs you to authenticate before sending emails. Check this for Gmail.

User Name: The user name required to authenticate with the SMTP server. For Gmail, its your email address.

Password: The password required to authenticate with the SMTP server. For Gmail, its your Gmail password. If you use 2-step authentication in Gmail, you'll need to generate an application specific password.

Subject: The subject for the email.

Body: The message content for the email.

来自应用汇: SMS Backup & Restore Add-On //

SMS Backup & Restore Add-On 版本更新

v3.50:Better handling of network dropout when uploading to DropboxBetter handling of Wi-Fi dropouts when app is set to upload only on Wi-FiBetter messaging when upload is skipped due to network restrictionsBetter deletion of older files on DropboxBetter handling of deleted files in Google DriveNew permission for Wi-Fi connection information required to better handle network dropouts.

用户对 SMS Backup & Restore Add-On 的评论

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SMS Backup & Restore Add-On 信息







SyncTech Pty Ltd

  • 获取网络状态
  • 获取WiFi状态
  • 访问账户Gmail列表
  • 访问网络
  • 使用证书



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