Knitting Tailor Shop! Fashion Boutique

Knitting Tailor Shop! Fashion Boutique

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Knitting Tailor Shop! Fashion Boutique 介绍

Knitting Tailor Shop! Fashion Boutique

Here comes the best tailor game out there!!some people do shopping but these tailor girls are going to shop like crazy, they are always ready for shopping. They must buy the best cloths and material to make the best dresses in town for fashionista souls and awesome cool girls. They will also design and dress up kids along with divas. So be ready to design and dress up everyone in the city because you are the only authentic tailor in town. Go to the supermarket and buy the latest most trendiest clothes with awesome accessories to attract customers towards your princess like dresses!Features:Knit and design awesome clothes for latest and princess like girls:- 100 combinations of clothes to choose from- different method of knitting- realistic game modes, never before seen in any other game- difficult designs orders by customers, which you have to complete- earn respect in front of the whole town so trendy girls visit you- buy good clothes so you can make and design gorgeous dresses- different levels where each designing of dresses becomes difficult- cute characters with slim bodies to try clothes on- unlimited colors to choose fromDesign different things other than clothes:- now design and decorate handkerchiefs - use cute and fluffy animals- pick from unlimited colors- surprise your customers with extra designs- become the best tailor in the town

来自应用汇: Knitting Tailor Shop! Fashion Boutique //

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Salon Makeover Games

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