Samsung Cue

Samsung Cue

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Samsung Cue 介绍

Samsung Cue

Samsung Cue gives you more of what you love and helps you find your favorite music and magazines and discover new artists daily.

With Cue Music Store you can now purchase and enjoy the latest songs and albums and shop from the great catalog of millions of tracks

Join Cue All The Music and stream the latest hits form the artists you love and explore thousands of playlists curated with passion by our music experts for any mood or activity

Samsung Cue provides also a large selection of magazines perfectly optimized for Samsung products and that cater to a variety of tastes and interests, including politics, technology, sports, entertainment, lifestyle, travel and more.

With Cue, you can also download your favorite ringtones or create your own from your music library.

* Payment is required to access some of the features or content provided by Cue.

来自应用汇: Samsung Cue //

Samsung Cue 版本更新

Samsung Cue team regretfully inform you that the service will be closed effective of April 15th 2019.

We recommend you to download all your purchased songs before closure of service date.

If you are a Samsung Cue subscriber, your subscription will be canceled and you will not be charged from 15th of March 2019.

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Samsung Cue 信息







下载 Samsung Cue 的用户还下载过:

  • 客服邮箱
  • 微博/微信合作QQ:2651009334
  • 网游玩家客服QQ:1214123632

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