Rocket Drop

Rocket Drop

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Rocket Drop 介绍

Rocket Drop

It's an endless, first-person, score-attack skydiving game! With rockets! In 3d!
This is a special edition of the mobile game "Rocket Drop". It works with Google Cardboard.
You play as a sky-diver, who can fly short distances via the use of a jetpack. The jetpack requires constant fuel, which you can gain by collecting fuel capsules as you fall. Meanwhile, you also need to dodge the missiles that are constantly being fired at you.
View the world in 360 degrees with gyroscopic head tracking.
Hold the button on the Google Cardboard device to use your head as a joystick, allowing you to move within the game environment.
Press Quotes:
"The most impressive and awe inspiring application of Cardboard in a video game to date."

"What's Google Cardboard?"
Cardboard is a low­-cost, easy-­to-­get virtual reality viewer that transforms a phone into a basic VR headset. Learn more about Google Cardboard at

Dev Notes:
- This app requires your phone to have a compass and a gyroscope.
- This app also requires a Google Cardboard device.
- The game will require your ability to turn on the spot, so it is best played either standing up or sat in a swivel-chair.

来自应用汇: Rocket Drop //

Rocket Drop 版本更新

Supports the Google VR Toolkit, thereby eliminating all previous compatibility problems.

用户对 Rocket Drop 的评论

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Rocket Drop 信息

Google Cardboard






  • 访问网络
  • 唤醒锁定
  • 写入外部存储
  • 客服邮箱
  • 微博/微信合作QQ:2651009334
  • 网游玩家反馈Q群:581499375

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