VR Virtual Zoo 3D

VR Virtual Zoo 3D

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VR Virtual Zoo 3D 介绍

VR Virtual Zoo 3D

VR Virtual Zoo 3d was developed for you to see the animals on their natural environment with the beautiful graphics and sounds. Using your virtual reality glasses, you can see the animals moving closely with animations. It will be an exciting journey for you. The app works without an internet connection and it is totally free.You don't know to go to a zoo and your children will also enjoy the virtual simulations as if they are in a zoo and know the animals. Elephant, lion, zebra, Crocodile, hippopotamus, rhinoceros, chicken, cow, goat, pig, sheep, bear, boar, fox, rabbit, stag, wolf, crow, duck, eagle, owl, pigeon, seagull, sparrow. How to playIt is very easy. You should look at where you want to move. When you approach to animals, your movements will be slower or stop so that you will have time to examine them closely. Just move your head to any other place to go there. Features- Very beautiful graphics. Realistic forest environment- Nice animated animals in Zoo- Natural sounds of animals- Easy usagePlease vote for our app so that we will be adding more VR apps and develop it better.

来自应用汇: VR Virtual Zoo 3D //www.stclairws.com/app/com.sculfa.vrvirtualzoo?from=spi-desc

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