Singapore Currency Converter

Singapore Currency Converter

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Singapore Currency Converter 介绍

Singapore Currency Converter

The Demo is available on YouTube ( This app is customised for S$, international user may try "Easy Global Currency Converter" with the global logo. This app shows the exchange rates between 133 currencies, with the following features: * Localisation: Pre-load exchange rate between Singapore dollar and 19 major/closed currencies (Fig 3,4)* User friendly : Navigate exchange rates and charts by a finger sliding (Fig 1,2,3,4)* Easy comparison : Display all charts in a single page (Fig 2) * Customisation: User can edit the watch list, add and remove items between 133 currencies (Fig 7), user can also prioritise the watch list (Fig 5) * Calculate the exchange amount (Fig 8)To Navigate different screens* slide the screen horizontallyTo view the full list* slide the screen vertically To Update data (3 methods)* Run the app, the app will update data once automatically* click the "Last Update" item, the app will start updating data* click the menu->Update (Fig 6), the app will show the downloading dialog, and start updating dataTo calculate the exchange amount* click the item, the exchange dialog (Fig 8) comes out. To Remove an item* click the item and hold, the "Select an action dialog" (Fig 5) comes out. click "Delete"To Add/Remove a number of exchanges* click the menu->Edit (Fig 6, 7), the app shows the "Edit Watch List" dialog. Check or uncheck the foreign currency if you want to add or remove. *click the drop down button (Fig 7) to change the base currencyTo check the app version* click the menu->AboutThe exchange rate is from Yahoo Finance. Thanks Yahoo. =======Revision=======Ver 3.8 (2013-11-23)Update Banknotes of the Canadian dollar to 2011 Frontier Series. Thanks users for the feedback.Ver 3.7 (2013-10-19)Update invalid banknote links for US, Indonesia and Philippine.Ver 3.6 (2013-09-22)Update the Malaysian banknotes to the 4th series launched in 2011 and update the national flag of Ukrainian.Ver 3.4 (2013-07-13)Add exchange rate for Gold.Gold is measured in troy ounces. One troy ounce is exactly 31.1034768 grams.Only 5 days chart is available for the exchange rate of Gold.Ver 3.3 (2013-06-15)Add Banknote Security.Ver 3.2 (2013-06-08)Change the url of 10 dollar banknote to reduce the internet data consumption.Version 3.0 (2013-05-24)Try to solve data downloading issue Reduce size of close buttonMake check box more visibleVer 2.8Add Brithish Pound (GBP) to the default watch list. Ver 2.7 (21 Mar 2013)Improved the stability and performance by reducing the number of file read write. Thanks the user to report the crash issue on 20 Mar. Ver 2.6Fix synch issue with chart fragmentVer 2.5 Fix incorrect last update date time issue. Ver 1.0 (2013-01-19)- Completed basic functions.====Keys====Money Exchange, calculator, Finance, exchange rate, bank, stock, travel, stock, share, leisure, business, exchange rate dollar take pound, DBS, OCBC, UOB, POSB, SGX, maybank, standard chartered, cash, loan, market

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Singapore Currency Converter 版本更新

V15.8 (2018-03-04)
Added Cloud Backup and Restore. User can backup watchlist, and restore it for new phone or when the app is reinstalled.

V15.7 (01-21)
Added Bitcoin, price is updated in 10 mins interval.

V15.1 (01-14)
Many users preferred the old UI, by long pressing the row, app will show a dialog box with option to Delete, Move Top etc. I re-implemented it in 15.1. I would like to thanks users who sent me feedback during last two weeks, as your feedback made this app practical.

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