Halloween Hunter - Horror VR

Halloween Hunter - Horror VR

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Halloween Hunter - Horror VR 介绍

Halloween Hunter - Horror VR

They are back.. To blast you.. Humans..Stop them, shoot them.You are playing a role of a monster hunter. This time your enemies are Pumpkin Monsters of Halloween. They are countless. They are small...and They are giants too..Shoot them all!*This is the first version of game based on Halloween Theme. Get ready for Amazing and Challenging Future Updates*## Game Modes: Virtual Reality(VR) mode and Non - VR mode. # VR Mode:- You can use any VR headset to play this game in VR mode.# Non - VR mode:- This mode is based on the Gyroscope input of device. It gives you feel of real word movements without Virtual Reality Headset.- If you are a Tablet user then you can choose Non-VR mode but you can still enjoy the VR mode gameplay without VR headset and with a single screen mode- If you don't have VR headset then you can choose Non-VR mode but you can still enjoy the VR mode gameplay without VR headset and with a single screen mode## How to play in VR mode:- Look around and aim the Pumpkins to shoot them- To collect Health Potions and Gems: Look at them for a sec## How to play in Non-VR mode:- Look around and aim the Pumpkins. Tap Shoot Button to Fire- To collect Health Potions and Gems: Look at them for a sec (bring crosshair over them)## Features:- Perfect horror ambiance- Perfect VR environment, music and effects that you have never experience in VR - Challenging gameplay- Easy to play VR controls - Aim to shoot- No VR sickness# Purchase Unlimited Tickets Pack to enjoy full game any time.# Shoot as many as you can. Be the top Halloween Pumpkin Shooter of the world!#Note: You can use Hashtag - "#Controls" in reviews to request more control options in the game.### Enjoy your Halloween with the game!

来自应用汇: Halloween Hunter - Horror VR //www.stclairws.com/app/com.sidking.halloween?from=spi-desc

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