The Last Commando 3D

The Last Commando 3D

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The Last Commando 3D 介绍

The Last Commando 3D

Last hope, last man, last chance, last war and you are the last commando left of the elite group. Ambush the terrorist military camp in this modern style warfare. Failure of this commando mission is simply not on the cards.City of Terryhills was most commonly known for its agriculture produce, and dairy products. The city was a famous tourist spot for its great rainforest as well. This so called tourism company came with lots of proposals presented to the city Mayor about how they would help the city by generating more revenues, through some new attraction in the existing rainforest. The city council agreed with the proposal and gave them a few bases in the rainforest. They brought lots of ammo and bombs with them in their container trucks.Sooner they started what they were here for. Their hittman along with their trained modern military and terrorist. They would kidnap the man personnel from the city for ransom and keep them captive in their basis. The city police noticed their activities and send some police anti terrorism squad to handle this issue swiftly, but that wasn’t that easy against these well trained modern army terrorist and their hittman. The authorities asked you as an ex military elite commando, specialist in ambush and invasion of different areas and battlefield, to handle this commando mission.Invasion in their territory would not be that easy, you might have to ambush in dark, and continue your elite commando mission one step at a time. So be ready for one of the best commando games, as there are quite a few challenges ahead in this adventure shooting.Features:• Spectacular 3d graphics• Blistering action packed commando games• Challenging levels in different battlefield environments• Great sound effects.• Smooth gameplay• Critical commando adventure shooting missions• Use different ammo to kill the hittman and terrorist.How to Play:• Touch the right half of screen for aiming, and left half of screen for movement.• The gun reloads automatically.• Auto Run after continue walk.• For enemies at far distance, use scope.• Tap to pick weapons.• Detect enemies by the help of radar.• Hear and Read the mission objective carefully.Like Us on Face book:

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