Flapix - Cinemagraph Living photo editor

Flapix - Cinemagraph Living photo editor

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Flapix - Cinemagraph Living photo editor 介绍

Flapix - Cinemagraph Living photo editor

Flapix is the pro-level tool most of the top photographers use to create stunning cinemagraphs (Living photos), an exciting medium that is changing the face of photography, social media and advertising, it lives between the world of photography and video.A cinemagraph blend photography and video together; composed like a photo, and brought to life with a subtle hint of motion that mesmerizes audiences.Cinemagraphs used to be difficult to create. With Flapix you can now create your own high quality, professional living photos in mere minutes on the fly with your android device.All you need to create cinemagraphs easily and fast : your phone or a digital camera, a tripod or a way to keep your camera stable and the Flapix app.Flapix offers:- Trim: pick your perfect part of the video.- Still Image: Choose your perfect still frame from the video.- Mask tool: Create your cinemagraph in real-time with magical "live-masking" that reveals motion as you paint over the still image.- Zoom: you can zoom in to get more control over the painting.- Loop & speed: Make it a bounce or repeat loop, and easily adjust the video speed.- Brush Adjustments: you can change the size and hardness of the brush.- Sharing: Share your final result with your friends on social networks, facebook, instagram whatsapp and more...Enjoy and be creative!If you have any question/suggestion please contact us and let us know your opinion.

来自应用汇: Flapix - Cinemagraph Living photo editor //www.stclairws.com/app/com.skwirrl.flapix?from=spi-desc

Flapix - Cinemagraph Living photo editor 版本更新

- Now you can pick the image from your phone gallery

- We added the eraser, the brush to restore the image

- Magnifier added

Flapix - Cinemagraph Living photo editor 类似软件

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Flapix - Cinemagraph Living photo editor 信息








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