Bomb Transport Truck Simulator

Bomb Transport Truck Simulator

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Bomb Transport Truck Simulator 介绍

Bomb Transport Truck Simulator

Download bomb transport Truck simulator, our new 3d game on android. Being a transport truck driver you imagine to be in a a war zone transferring an atom bomb to a more secure location to dispose it off in order to make the world safer in new year of 2016 and nuke free. You are a top trucker of American soil in USA both for offroad, hill station and on main city highway so you have to drive nuke truck safely on highway in between traffic being a skill full truck driver in order to dispose off the atom bomb in safely manner without having any collision with side barriers and have to do truck parking safely. Meantime, the terrorist troops attacks convey and you are left alone with the nuke. Your task is simple and thrilling, you have to make sure that you transfer the nuke bomb to a secure location so that it can be disposed off. Being an expert 4x4 offroad truck driver of 2016, you have a tough job ahead and your task is to carry missile & bombs to the base station without falling or damaging the nuke bomb. Watch out for the variety of obstacles including jet fighters, speed bumps and the mines that are placed on ground in advanced levels. its not game of war but instead a step to make world safer from nukes, Missiles & atom bombs, If you love to play your part in making this world safer & want to save clash of civilization than you MUST try Bomb Transport Simulator game NOW and be a world rescue hero to wipe off all cruelty & injustice on earth with mankind.Its not a rally racing but rather a more serious job so you need to be fast speed! Because you have a limited time to reach the destination and you have to avoid having any collision. -: Live strong die well: - Good luckFeatures:- *Cool and smooth 3D graphics.*HD truck and bomb 3D model.*Live menu, interactive GUI*Realistic truck physics.*Interactive environment.*Multiple levels, clear a level and unlock next level.*Thrilling and destructive frontline game play.How to play:-*Drag the bombs into the transport truck.*Tap your phone/tablet on right side to race / brake.*Use the steering to turn left/right.*Shift the gears to forward or backward as you need.*This game is suitable for all those who want to dispose off all Atom Bombs in the world to make it NUKE free. *So what are you waiting for? Drive the crazy wheels and give a shot now!*Install and play our "new" Bomb Transport Truck Simulator for free on android now!*If you have any problem in installation, please report to us. We will try to fix it as soon as possible.*We hope you will find this game gorgeous.

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