My Dark Diary

My Dark Diary

  • 有广告
  • 英文或其他

My Dark Diary 介绍

My Dark Diary

Your personal life journal with vampire/dark theme: notepad, tasks organizer/manager and diary, protected with a password.

*** Features ***
- the application's UI is in English;
- set a password, lock the journal;
- create to do list;
- organize all your tasks, sort by priority, set color for a task;
- weekly tasks view;
- simple notepad - keep all your notes/memos;
- simple diary with emoticons and weather icons;
- with advertisements;
- not adapted for tablets;

*** Password ***
- to see the options for changing it press the menu button (or menu on the navigation bar) on your phone on the first screen;
- it can be set and change from the first screen - menu "Change password";
- if you forget it, you can see it from the first screen menu - "Forgotten password";
- the Skip button is only to look at the diary and decide if you will use it. After setting a password the Skip button will disappear;

Tested on:
- Samsung Galaxy S
- htc Legend

If you have any questions, pls e-mail me:

来自应用汇: My Dark Diary //

My Dark Diary 版本更新

- NEW - Ads can be removed- Diary entry content can be hidden from the list of entries - go to Settings and uncheck "Show diary entry excerpt in entries list"- Show diary entry time in entries list

My Dark Diary 类似软件

用户对 My Dark Diary 的评论

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My Dark Diary 信息








  • 获取粗略位置
  • 获取精确位置
  • 获取网络状态
  • 获取WiFi状态
  • 访问网络
  • 使用振动
  • 唤醒锁定
  • 写入外部存储
  • 客服邮箱
  • 微博/微信合作QQ:2651009334
  • 网游玩家客服QQ:1214123632

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