Philips Dictation Recorder

Philips Dictation Recorder

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Philips Dictation Recorder 介绍

Philips Dictation Recorder

Capture your thoughts on the move with Philips Dictation Recorder for Android.
Philips Dictation Recorder for Android presents a new dimension to wireless working. Recording, editing and sending dictation files from your Android device offers mobile flexibility and reduces document turnaround time.
Enhance your productivity
• The Philips dictation recorder for Android offers editing functions such as insert, overwrite and append for professional recording control
• Priority setting for getting urgent jobs processed first
Designed for professionals
• A clear user interface intuitively guides you through the dictation and download process
• Easy-to-use touch screen control for intuitive operation
• Express Recorder Mode for fast and simple dictation
• File and application encryption for maximum security
Location independent
Use one of our secure sending options to enhance your productivity:
•Philips SpeechLive takes the dictation workflow to the cloud – with all of its great benefits. Record your dictation – anywhere and at any time. SpeechLive also offers additional services such as the SpeechScribe transcription service which types your dictations in no time. For more information, please visit our website:
• With Philips SpeechExec Mobile Server you can manage secure dictation file delivery. Once an audio file is transferred to Philips SpeechExec Mobile Server or Philips SpeechExec dictation hub, it is sent automatically to the right transcription workstation within your company network. The Mobile Server as well as a license for SpeechExec dictation hub can be acquired at a Philips certified reseller.
To find a reseller near you, please visit us here:
• Send your dictation files anywhere in the world from your Android smartphone for enhanced productivity
Some audio players may not not have the wav-codec, which is optimised for voice files, preinstalled. In this case you can download the codec from our website:

Speech Processing Solutions have tested and released version 2.5.05 on the following devices:
• Samsung Galaxy S4 (GT-I9505)
Android Version: 4.2.2 / 4.4.2
• Samsung Galaxy Nexus (GT-I9250)
Android Version: 4.2.1
htc One
Android Version: 4.3 / 4.4.2
• LG Nexus 4
Android Version: 4.4.2

In case you have an Android smartphone different than the ones that are listed above, please make sure to upgrade your smartphone to Android version 4.2.1 or later.

来自应用汇: Philips Dictation Recorder //

Philips Dictation Recorder 版本更新

Bug fixes and stability improvements for Android 10

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