Mahjong Shanghai Free

Mahjong Shanghai Free

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Mahjong Shanghai Free 介绍

Mahjong Shanghai Free

Shanghai is the original Mahjong Solitaire provided by SUNSOFT with various stage, high quality graphics, easy operation, and many modes that keep you from being bored.Also it satisfies both beginners and advanced players.This is perfect for your vacant time! The rule is very simple!!Remove pairs of mahjong tiles with matching patterns from piles stacked in various configurations.We have also innovated sharply-etched tile with suited 3d background image, easy operability by touch interface, and over 1200 stages are available.Also, newly added a mode that you can compete with other players in whole country at no charge!!You should try right now!!

来自应用汇: Mahjong Shanghai Free //

Mahjong Shanghai Free 版本更新


・Support android 10


・Added the 15th constellation.

・Bug fixes etc.


・Added New Game.

・Added the 14th constellation.

・Bug fixes etc.


・Added the function to register your friends.

※You can see your friend's progress by registering them.

・Added MyHome function.

・Updated the stage management function.

・Added a function to confirm you decision when you paused the game.

Mahjong Shanghai Free 类似游戏

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  • 微博/微信合作QQ:2651009334
  • 网游玩家客服QQ:2836994115

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