Tiny Sheep - Virtual Pet Game

Tiny Sheep - Virtual Pet Game

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Tiny Sheep - Virtual Pet Game 介绍

Tiny Sheep - Virtual Pet Game

One day as you were strolling in a beautiful meadow you spot a fluffy white object descending from the clouds. As you get closer you realize it is a tiny white sheep! You stood flabbergasted as you watch it floating down. You walk towards the sheep, it looks at you with big, adorable sheep eyes. What should you do with this fluffy white sheep? Surely, this must be a sign from the heavens that you should become a sheep farmer... KEY FEATURES - Shave wool from your sheep and sell it to make money, then watch as it grows back right before your eyes! - Over 10 farm structures to build, each with fun and unique capabilities. - Detailed sheep simulation engine - your tiny sheep will roam around to find fresh grass to eat, but don't let it wander too far or it'll become a sad lonely sheep!- The grass on your farm will get eaten away, water it regularly to keep it lush and green- Contribute to the development of the nearby town to get more services to help you manage your farm. Build a church and you can pray for rain to freshen up your pastures! - Compete with your friends to see who can raise the most prize-winning flock- Connect with Facebook to visit your friend's farm and send giftsVisit our Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/tinysheepgame for support and updates

来自应用汇: Tiny Sheep - Virtual Pet Game //www.stclairws.com/app/com.superfine.tinysheep?from=spi-desc

Tiny Sheep - Virtual Pet Game 版本更新

Fixed bug with buildings being difficult to tap on

Tiny Sheep - Virtual Pet Game 类似游戏

用户对 Tiny Sheep - Virtual Pet Game 的评论

  • 我攻略有写,你自己看吧! 2019-05-10


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Tiny Sheep - Virtual Pet Game 信息







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  • 客服邮箱:hello@appchina.com
  • 微博/微信合作QQ:2651009334
  • 网游玩家反馈Q群:581499375

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