DS note

DS note

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DS note 介绍

DS note

**You must own a Synology NAS to run this app, and be running the Note Station 1.0 package to get the complete set of features**
Whether for creating your weekly to-do list, sharing information on projects with your teammates, or simply describing your best holidays memories, DS note’s editing features make it easy and pleasant to take note of anything you want, anywhere you need, even with no network. Use tags, notebooks and shortcuts to organise all your notes, and share them instantly with anyone you want. And that’s always safe as DS note it keeps all in sync with your note library on your Synology NAS server, your personal cloud.
Find all detailed features about the app on our website:
www.synology.com > DSM 5.1 > Mobile Apps > Software Specs

来自应用汇: DS note //www.stclairws.com/app/com.synology.dsnote?from=spi-desc

DS note 历史版本

  • DS note
    DS note
    版本: 1.11.4
    大小: 60.04 M

    - Enhanced application stability.

    - Fixed an issue where fingerprint lock might not work.

    - Minor bug fixes.
  • DS note
    DS note
    版本: 1.11.3
    大小: 60.04 M

    1. Fixed an issue where users might fail to log in.

    2. Fixed an issue where it might fail to synchronize.
  • DS note
    DS note
    版本: 1.11.2
    大小: 60.03 M

    1. Fixed an issue where synchronization to mobile devices running Android 9.0 may fail.

    2. Minor bug fixes.
  • DS note
    DS note
    版本: 1.11.1
    大小: 60.00 M

    1. Fixed an issue where it might fail to synchronize

    2. Fixed an issue where users might not be able to log in when using IPv6 for connection

    3. Fixed an issue where the background might crash when running on Android 8.0

    4. Minor bugs fixes
  • DS note
    DS note
    版本: 1.11.0
    大小: 60.00 M
    1. 支援泰文使用者介面
    2. 將 targetSdkVersion 升級至版本 26
    3. 修正未在進階搜尋欄中輸入關鍵字時,可能無法搜尋筆記的問題
    4. 修正筆記的建立時間可能不正確的問題
    5. 修正大檔可能同步失敗的問題
    6. 支援以原解析度儲存筆記照片
    7. 修正其他問題
  • DS note
    DS note
    版本: 1.8.0
    大小: 57.49 M
    .Supports moving DS note to an attached SD card
    .Supports fingerprint lock to protect user privacy
    .Allows non-owner users to add notes in shared notebooks
    .Fixed an issue where selecting or processing multiple to-do tasks at one time might cause app crash
    .Fixed an issue where long pressing on note text in the view mode might cause app crash
    .Fixed an issue where selecting destination for note links might fail
    .Minor bug fixes

DS note 版本更新

- Made Android 5.0 the lowest version that supports DS note.

- Fixed an issue where checked items on a subtask list might turn unchecked when users swiped away from the list.

- Fixed an issue where background syncing might fail when connecting via QuickConnect.

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用户对 DS note 的评论

  • buzaw 2020-08-18


  • yago 2015-11-25

    1、增加微信收藏,网页收藏,微博收藏等功能 2、导入网易有道云笔记功能

查看 DS note 的全部2条评论


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