Underwater Survival Sim – 2

Underwater Survival Sim – 2

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Underwater Survival Sim – 2

Return to the underwater adventures once again! Explore sea bottom, hunt, keep your amount of oxygen and unravel secrets with Underwater Survival Simulator – 2!Be a lonely survivor after Great Flood, lost in the ocean depths only with your aqualung! Fortunately, you find yourself near the underwater military base, but it’s lost and forgotten too, so you should repair broken modules or even builds a new one. Explore the sea bottom to quarry resources and restore this base! “Hunt” fishes, whales and cephalopods to provide you with food and search for the sources of fresh water! And, of course, don’t forget about your level of oxygen – if it drops to zero, you’d die soon!Fight for your life with underwater predators – they never sleep and would chase yours until death, it's or yours. Find weapons to protect yourself – or craft new one from materials, found over the bottom. Build shelters to prevent attacks of sharks and do your best to survive at all costs with Underwater Survival Simulator - 2!Watch for your character indicators - health, energy, fullness. If one of these drops – no chance to survive! Especially mind your oxygen level – if it drops to zero, you’d never emerge again! Do all that you can – there is a lot of things you can do here, on the ocean bottom. Earn experience and raise up your skills! Craft weapons and special tools – it would help you to stay alive! Collect different materials – it can be very useful!Hunt for predators, build shelter & craft tools – feel like a lonely diver with this underwater survival simulator in 3d! Stay alive at all costs! Spending time at the bottom of the ocean is not easy as on the survival island!Unravel all secrets of the sea bottom, find treasures or hidden weapons and, maybe, the method to leave this place and get home! Be a real survivor with our Underwater Survival Simulator - 2!Underwater Survival Simulator -2 features:• Ultimate simulator of aqualunger• Beautiful of picturesque ocean’s bottom to explore• Many hidden treasures to ease the survival process• Crafty opponents – these underwater predators are more dangerous than you could think• Varies craft recipes - craft weapons and tools ‘cause it can save your life somedayLive the life of aqualunger and keep your weapons alert! Literally dive into the wilderness, explore sea world and fight for your life at the bottom of the ocean with Underwater Survival Simulator – 2!

来自应用汇: Underwater Survival Sim – 2 //www.stclairws.com/app/com.taigagames.underwatersurvivalsim2?from=spi-desc

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