The NBA-JAM Slam Dunk Moves

The NBA-JAM Slam Dunk Moves

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The NBA-JAM Slam Dunk Moves 介绍

The NBA-JAM Slam Dunk Moves

Sunny times for all those who start at time of the NBA Jam because lots of them now can use mega advantage of the nba jam to helps everyone. Become the biggest boss using basketball moves and street hoops basket-ball !

One of the first real playable basketball arcade games and is also one of the first sports games to feature NBA-licensed teams and players, and their real digitized likenesses.

A key feature of NBA-Jam is the exaggerated nature of the play, players jump many times their own height, making slam dunks that defy both human capabilities and the laws of physics. There are no fouls, free throws, or violations except goaltending and 24-second violations. This means the player is able to freely shove or elbow his opponent out of the way. Additionally, if a player makes three baskets in a row, he becomes "on fire" and has an unlimited turbo and increased shooting precision. The "on fire" mode continues until the other team scores, or until the player who is "on fire" scores 4 additional consecutive baskets while "on fire."

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