Math Equation Editor and Forum

Math Equation Editor and Forum

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Math Equation Editor and Forum 介绍

Math Equation Editor and Forum

This application includes a complete math equation editor along with option to discuss Math problems in a common forum.
User ID creation is optional and you can use this app as a standalone equation editor or math notepad to write sums and use it in other apps or documents. Images are saved in sdcard folder /tinkutara/maths.
This application includes a full featured math equation editor is included and you can easily write Calculus, matrices and determinants or trigonometry equation with a user friendly interface. All symbols are included and most frequently used symbols are accessible with a single click.
This editor in this app is WYSIWYG (What-You-See-Is-What-You-Get) math editor.
You can optionally create a user ID of your choice and participate by posting new questions or add answers to existing questions.
You can also share equations edited/created using this app with sharing applications as images.
MathTalk enable easy online discussion on Math for teachers and students.
A new section is also added which contains only formulae.

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