Princess Party Fashion

Princess Party Fashion

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Princess Party Fashion 介绍

Princess Party Fashion

Help ice princess, Clara, get a spa treatment and play fashion dress up with her in the magnificent luxury castle. You can be a fashion designer now and you can pamper your princess with an amazing wardrobe full of little princess dresses. In the spa salon, scrub the blemishes off your little princess by applying make up creams. Pamper your cute princess, Clara, as a fashion designer and tidy her up with the spa salon facilities. Try different creams and make up spa treatments on your ice princess and play party clean up with your beautiful ice princess. Play fashion dress up with her in another castle and help her do her hair. Select from a range of fashionable hair and take your cute princess through a luxury makeover. Pamper your ice princess, Clara, with cream and beauty products to your little princess to get her through fashion dress up and the luxury spa salon. This game is for a fashion designer who can walk a little princess through a spa salon, a fashion dress up castle and party clean up. You can pamper your ice princess, apply cream and face wash to Clara in the spa salon and give her the luxury of cute princess hair dress up. It is one of the best fashion designer and party clean up games. ----- Game Features ------ Choose from beautiful little princesses.- Take your princess to a spa salon and remove her blemishes.- Change her hair and adorn them with beautiful hair accessories. - Choose from a range of party dresses and give her a make over. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------TIPY TAPY WEB ADDRESS: TAPY PRIVACY POLICY LINK:// TAPY SUPPORT ADDRESS:

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