Shopping list voice input

Shopping list voice input

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Shopping list voice input 介绍

Shopping list voice input

Never again note chaos ...An easy-to-use shopping list app. The shopping lists can be spoken directly by voice. It is possible to create multiple lists for example various shops.Functions:- Two voice input modes, single or multiple items- Manage multiple shopping lists- Strike out while shopping- Change the font and font size- Share Shopping listHave fun with this intuitive shopping list app ...An easy-to-use shopping list app. The shopping lists can be spoken directly by voice. It is possible to create multiple lists for example various shops.Functions:- Two voice input modes, single or multiple items- Manage multiple shopping lists- Strike out while shopping- Change the font and font size- Share Shopping listHave fun with this intuitive shopping list app ...

来自应用汇: Shopping list voice input //

Shopping list voice input 版本更新

Dear users,

this update brings some bug fixes, adjustments and new features.

• Categories now with background colors (optionally switchable)

• Lists can now be selected during import

• The strokes to move articles are now hideable

• Possibility to prevent the creation of several articles by manual input

• Notifications work again

• Alphabetical sorting improved

• Problems with font sizes fixed

• Many more minor adjustments and bug fixes

Best regards


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Shopping list voice input 信息







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