OCR and text search – tFinder

OCR and text search – tFinder

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  • 英文

OCR and text search – tFinder 介绍

OCR and text search – tFinder

Do you need to recognize and translate the text of the book, magazine, store signs, tourist signs? Recognize text from video or find specific text in the image or video? Want fast, real-time recognition and translation of the text? Use tFinder!
tFinder - is a free application that can be used to recognize and search for text in images, videos, photos, and in real-time. Using the Tesseract OCR library allow to recognize in 60 languages. Recognition does not require internet connection, if you downloaded the language file yet. English is pre-installed at once, which explains a big size of application. For correct recognition, the text should be clear and well lit.
The main modes of application:
1 single-image mode - recognition and search for text in the image received from the camera device or a user-selected in the gallery.
2 video mode - tFinder recognize and find the text on the video and display the result in the form of frames with digitized text.
3 Recognition mode in real time - just need to select the language, point the camera at the text and when the application select the text, press the button to see the result.
tFinder - a great assistant for recognition or search for text in documents, books, manuals, magazines, etc. Can also be used to detect video presentations, search for text in the video, films, finding frames, etc. App will be useful for tourist, for translation of waymarks and recognizing the address for finding it on the map.
If you find any error or bug, please leave comments or contact the author, next version will fix it. Thanks for your choise!

来自应用汇: OCR and text search – tFinder //www.stclairws.com/app/com.tnstudio.tfinder?from=spi-desc

OCR and text search – tFinder 版本更新

Fixed:1. Full application redesign2. Fixed crash with memory3. Fixed problem with language downloading4. Added 70 NEW languages5. Added support for Android 5+

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OCR and text search – tFinder 信息







Nick Titov

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