Evil Neighbor

Evil Neighbor

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Evil Neighbor 介绍

Evil Neighbor

The people next door are horrifying and evil. You are absolutely sure that they are up to something suspicious. Their act is some kind of strange and unusual. You decided to have an adventure by entering in their home . But wait! You got to know something really scary and evil. Yes! he can kill you . You have to investigate that who is your crazy neighbor? Be careful he is super scary and mysterious. Let’s enter into his house but He is very alert. You have to hide yourself when he comes. Investigate him like a spy agent and try to find his specious activities without getting caught, try to escape when the evil neighbor is nearby . you have to do hard time tasks like hide n seek, finding clues and unlocking doors. Evil neighbor is super angry. If you get caught, he will definitely kill you without giving the chance of escape. Closely monitor his evil activities. you got to know that he killed his wife, find the grave in the house of evil neighbor. ,If you get caught, you are done! On a serious note, there is a dead body and grave in his house as well. . Beware of your evil neighbor presence. You have to explore dark & scary rooms in his house & escape in this survival mission. You will enjoy an epic adventure that will provide realism for all survival missions and will make you feel the fear associated with danger. Walk on the terrible rooms and dark corridors. You have a really crazy neighbor and you always though he is suspicious. you were living in your home peacefully. You saw your crazy evil neighbor with specious activities. He is beating women. Therefore you made the decision to search out what is occurring in crazy neighbor house. Therefore he opt to enter within the house, however it's not now fun, You yourself got into trouble there as your evil neighbor is really dangerous. Go and hide somewhere . Try to be secretive and cautious else you may have to bare serious death stab. survival adventure in neighborhood is not easy and requires some professional skills and tools. You need to be quick, smart and crazy to complete your mysterious task. Be smart and sneak into your neighbor house without getting caught. Act as the best neighbor in your neighborhood.Features Evil Neighbor:Different Scary Tasks to Perform in Evil Neighbor HouseSneak, Search & Fight Amazing 3d Graphics and Sound Effects!High Quality 3D GraphicsAmazing Sounds & Voice hoverSmooth, Easy & Intuitive ControlsInteresting Game-play & Activities

来自应用汇: Evil Neighbor //www.stclairws.com/app/com.toucangames.evil.neighbor?from=spi-desc

Evil Neighbor 版本更新

Features of Evil Neighbor:

Different Scary Tasks to Perform in Evil Neighbor House

Sneak, Search & Fight

Amazing 3d Graphics and Sound Effects!

High Quality 3D Graphics

Amazing Sounds & Voice hover

Smooth, Easy & Intuitive Controls

Interesting Game-play & Activities

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おがさわら なな

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用户对 Evil Neighbor 的评论

  • 阳阳_2757 2017-10-21

    我最喜欢沙发了! 嘻 嘻 嘻 ⊙﹏⊙

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