Make It Rain: Wolf Wall Street

Make It Rain: Wolf Wall Street

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Make It Rain: Wolf Wall Street 介绍

Make It Rain: Wolf Wall Street

Let's us make it rain in Wall Street
Did you have an experience that money like rain falling. Tell you it is true.
In the first you can brush the money, watch the money pile up until your hands are tired. This will be the first bucket of gold. Then you can get more money through Investment.
If you like the financial, you can choose the financial investment, you can buy stocks, invest in bookie, and have an investment bank.
If you like business investment, you can buy a fast cars, open a flower shop and own a elegant coffee shop. Of course, when you make a lot of money, you can even have a casino or have an arms Company.
In addition, there is more fan when you put the money in the political, you can hire a lobbyist, run for class president and get a say in the industry association. Or maybe you do something illegal, buy a local judge directly.
What's more, through a variety of investment, you can gain different reputation, dogs, movie star ,a villa, even an island. As long as you make more money, you can get any reputation what you want.
But what should I do if I spent all the money . Two kinds of solutions you can choose, the first is waiting, the second is just swiping.
This is a game that compare the speed of the hand.
This is a game that compare the investment vision.
Speed of hand determines your starting point. And the vision determines your future.

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