Templar Battleforce RPG Demo

Templar Battleforce RPG Demo

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Templar Battleforce RPG Demo 介绍

Templar Battleforce RPG Demo

Play the Templar Battleforce Demo for free and battle your way through the first four missions. Upgrade to the Full Game for $9.99 and lead your Templars on another 55+ scenarios -- unlocking all 8 Templar specialists and customizing your squad with hundreds of new Talents, weapons, armor, and gear.Templar Battleforce is an addictive mix of strategic combat and army building with the precision gameplay of RPGs. Piloting the Leviathan battle mechs, your mighty Templars will face hordes of terrifying xenos, rogue human factions, and the ancient Narvidian threat. Slash and blast your way across a deep and deadly sci-fi universe -- waging war with cunning Scouts, righteous Soldiers, flamethrowing Hydras, specialized Engineers, deadly Sentry Turrets, and the indomitable Berserks. Create your own custom Battleforce by recruiting an array of Templar specialists -- and deploy distinct strategies for your fireteams. Lead your forces in tactical scenarios that challenge both novice and veteran alike. Put your best strategies to the test and see if you can snatch victory from the jaws of defeat in this futuristic turn-based wargame. = FEATURES =- Command your Templars in turn-based tactical warfare across 55+ unique scenarios - Immerse yourself in a branching sci-fi storyline with multiple endings - Tailor your battleforce with exacting precision -- and recruit and design every squad member - Customize the appearance, armor design, talents, and equipment of your veteran Templars- Face new challenges in every deployment: corridor-to-corridor, open desert warfare, territory control (capturing tactical points), defensive last stands, scorched-earth retreats, infiltration deep behind enemy lines, and complex puzzles - Lead your squad in battle against mighty bosses- Deploy specialist Templars and discover unique fireteam combinations with stealth, grenades, defensive overwatch, scorching flamethrowers, hindering attacks, and sentry turrets - Face 25+ diverse enemy units: the Xeno, the Narvidians, and rogue human factions - Endless combinations of squads, soldiery, and tactics will keep you coming back for more!- Replay the campaign with your victorious squad in a New Game+ mode= BACKSTORY =The Templar Knights are a revered and storied martial order who were the elite forces for the Star Traders during their most challenging conflict: the Galactic War against the Guild.They are known for their 10-foot tall battle mechs known as Leviathan Battle Suits. Once designed for high-pressure environments and exploring gas giants and deep space, these mechs have now been modified for war. Templars descend from a Zendu bloodline -- a unique heritage that gives them the ability (with proper training and ritual) to pass all of memories from their lives (and any memories passed down by their ancestors) to a newborn child. This memory gift is known as a Templar’s Lineage – and it is what gives Templars their immense advantage in combat, tactics, engineering, and the ability to drive hulking Leviathan Battle Suits. You will take on the role of a Templar Captain who hails from a storied Lineage reaching back 87 Templars -- and who pages back through the memories to help cope with the dire situation at hand.With the Great Exodus coming to an end, the Star Traders founded new colonies on the few remaining habitable worlds. The Templar Knights are called upon once again to defend the Star Traders and their new colonies from an ancient threat.= WHO WE ARE =Trese Brothers Games is a premier indie game developer of desktop and mobile RPG and strategy games. Andrew and Cory Trese founded the company in 2010 with a shared passion for challenging, highly replayable games. Having released more than six games on major game platforms and markets, Trese Brothers Games now has more than 2.5 million customers . . . and counting. “We make games we love -- and we hope you’ll love them, too!”

来自应用汇: Templar Battleforce RPG Demo //www.stclairws.com/app/com.tresebrothers.games.battlefront?from=spi-desc

Templar Battleforce RPG Demo 版本更新

Please rate if you like the game :)

* Need help? E-mail cory@tresebrothers.com *

v2.7.5 -

- Fixed bugs with Reinforced Structures giving more Tact Point HP than advertised

- Fixed weapon icon for Dragoon Mk21 and Vright's Mk23 Neptune Relics

- Fixed issue where Exemplar Command (RELIC) Armor could be equipped multiple times

- Fixed incorrect description of Heat Sink Talent level 1

- Fixed bug preventing debuffs from Discerning Eye and Fire Commander from stacking

Templar Battleforce RPG Demo 类似游戏

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Trese Brothers




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