Animated Photo Editor

Animated Photo Editor

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Animated Photo Editor 介绍

Animated Photo Editor

Have fun and Make fun with Animated Photo Editor. Change your looks in a stylish and funny way and Express your Creativity using Animated Photo Editor.You might have a doubt like “What can do funny with this Animated Photo Editor?” Yes, you can do everything to make your photo funny and beautiful. Using this Animated Photo Editor, you can change your looks with the animated “GIFs”, which includes hair styles, blinking eyes, animated mustache and funny rabbit ears. Try all these GIFs to make your photo cute and funny.Are you thinking like “What makes this “Animated Photo Editor” Special?. Don't think about that, with this special Funny Animated Photo Editor” you have various animated GIFs to make your photo cute and funny. With this “Animated Photo Editor” you can create your own funny animations. And also have the PIP (Photo In Photo) option to more decorate your picture. 1. Is this Animated Photo Editor Application allows to write Text on photos?? ...Of Course!!!Yes, you can write your own text with customized font, styles and colors on your animated photos.2. Is there is any option to adjust and blur photos? ...Yes, you can adjust, re size, rotate the photos freely using your fingers also you can blur the photos.3. Can we Share the created Gif? ...Yes, you can save and share it with your friends. You can directly share your created gif through social network online platforms.You can turn your normal photos to gifs using Animated Photo Editor. Also you can create funny gifs with this application.How to use this Funny Application?????☞ Just install application, then open app☞ Select photos from Gallery or you can capture a photo from “Camera”. ☞ Crop the selected photo and apply different animated stickers from the source. ☞ Click Done and Save your Funny Video.☞ Finally, enjoy your video creation by sharing it with your friends. Impress your friends by creating funny animated videos and share your funny creation with your friends and Please don't forget to rate us.

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