TS 韩语会话游戏

TS 韩语会话游戏

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TS 韩语会话游戏 介绍

TS 韩语会话游戏

TS 韩语会话游戏




- Related -
Foreign language learning, word, translation, conversation, chat, social, network, business, education, utilities, dictionaries, maps, world, international, foundation, English vocabulary, saying, essential, speaking, letters, SMS, SNS, MMS, message, Msg, China, Japan, Korea, Japanese, Chinese, dictionary, map, world, Multilingual, Basic, proverbs, trip, flight, talking , speak, abroad, Overseas, business, education, e-book

来自应用汇: TS 韩语会话游戏 //www.stclairws.com/app/com.tss21.talk.korean.google?from=spi-desc

TS 韩语会话游戏 版本更新

Let's enjoy studying Korean conversation!
sentences now become your knowledge just complete them by ordering their words simply in proper positions.

● Learn the word order of sentences!
- This is a game to complete a sentence, by clicking its component words in proper sequence. You can learn the expressions of conversations as you complete them.
● Convenient review!
- You can read and listen to your cleared sentences again whenever you want at Favorites.
● Check your score and level growing higher!
- You can check your current score and level growth in various graphs.
● Compete with people around the world NOW!
- Support the World Ranking List for each language, so you can check how high your ranking is among the people around world. Let’s challenge to be the NO 1 in all languages.
● Do not worry about language exams!
- You may improve your scores of Korean exam.

Main Features
- Language sentence completion game.
- Support Talk Game by category (Basic, Daily life, Business).
- Support 5,000+ Korean sentence.
- Support the native speaker’s voice in all languages.
- Totally 250 game stages and provide special stages per five stages.
- Support Favorites to review cleared sentences easily.
- Support World Ranking Service, and various graphs for checking user’s skill growth.

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TS 韩语会话游戏 信息






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  • 客服邮箱:hello@appchina.com
  • 微博/微信合作QQ:2651009334
  • 网游玩家客服QQ:1214123632

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