Truck Repair & Wash Garage

Truck Repair & Wash Garage

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Truck Repair & Wash Garage

Little builders & truckers welcome to top truck wash and repair garage simulator game. Designers now get your hands on Truck wash simulator and repair rusty, messy and dented giant trucks and massive four wheeler jeeps in your mechanic garage.During car & truck racing mania our truck got crashed and to win car race we need brand new truck, so repairman and makers grab your automotive mechanic tools and start washing and repairing old messy trucks in your workshop.See story scene and select multiple huge racing trucks to repair in factory, truck wash and repair games has never been so interesting and exciting so be the best builder mechanic in town and utilize your washing, repairing and fixing skills.Kids in this Truck Wash & Repair Garage game after washing and cleaning old messy trucks repair broken spare parts and engine. This crazy repair workshop game consist of three stages, first cleanup and wash dirty muddy trucks in workshop, secondly repair dented areas and assemble all broken parts like real repairman finally paint or renovate truck body with best colors in your car repairing makeover salon. Boys and girls in this Truck Wash & Repair Garage cleanup the dirty and messy tank with soap, sponge and water shower, remove stains with stain remover and then fix the damages and holes with welding machine. Use hammer to get in shape dented parts of truck and replace the defected body parts like tyre, rims and bumpers. After cleanup check overall maintenance and fix the engine problem and change air filter and insert engine oil in fuel tank.Little kids now get your hands on this crazy truck adventure and play Truck Wash & Repair Garage game and spend plenty of hours to give the best truck repair &w makeover plus enjoy the best and realistic racing story scene with interesting gameplay and musical effects.

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