City Maps 2Go

City Maps 2Go

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City Maps 2Go 介绍

City Maps 2Go

World's #1 Android&iOS offline map app ★ compact vector maps – highest zoom level and detail ★ search & browse maps offline ★ no network or wifi required ★ additional “Wiki Plus” (Wikipedia) content ★ available in English, Spanish, French, Italian, German

★★★ Works completely offline ★★★
✚ search and find streets in the city
✚ no hassle with WiFi, Internet or Roaming
✚ easily spot your location with passive GPS
✚ find thousands of Points of Interest
✚ add or bookmark your favorite places
✚ find hotels and ratings from
✚ read full Wikipedia articles (texts and images)

City Maps 2Go is the #1 App for smart travelers. Maps and content any time, even when off-line. No network or WiFi required. The solution when suffering from bad network coverage, slow connection, limited data volume, or high data roaming cost abroad.

Included in this FREE app:
▶ download any 5 maps out of 7,800
▶ Wikipedia abstracts for all five maps
▶ “Wiki Plus” for one map

Add “Unlimited Downloads” (in-app purchase)
▶ unlimited map download
▶ Wikipedia abstracts for all maps
▶ unlimited “Wiki Plus”for all maps

★ Free Wikipedia abstracts ★
More than half a million excerpts of Wikipedia articles of the most important POI and landmarks. Already included in the map download. No extra download necessary. No extra cost. Works completely offline. (See screenshot #3)

★★ NEW: Wiki Plus ★★
▶ TRY FREE! "Wiki Plus" for one map is included! Simply tap the switch on the Map Download screen of the desired map, and activate Wiki Plus for that map for free. It adds full Wikipedia articles (texts and images) about places and landmarks to the POI collection of City Maps 2Go. To save memory, you can select individual maps, for which you want to download the articles. (Examples: London: 1,494 articles; Paris: 1,722; New York: 1,426; Rome: 730; Berlin: 989). (See screenshot #4)

★★★ Unlimited Downloads ★★★
Get unlimited downloads of maps and “Wiki Plus”. Simply unlock the in-app purchase from within City Maps 2Go. Simply tap on the banner at the bottom of the map download screen.

We have you covered: Maps for all US and UK counties, 100% coverage of France, Italy, Germany, and many more countries. And any map on request within a few days. Just mail to

Map data and POI are provided by OpenStreetMap. To check the level of detail, go to

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City Maps 2Go 信息


版本:11.5.2 (Play)





Ulmon GmbH

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