Season Match: The Puzzle Quest

Season Match: The Puzzle Quest

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Season Match: The Puzzle Quest 介绍

Season Match: The Puzzle Quest

Welcome to 'Season Match: The Puzzle Quest'!Here you will find: nice characters, a plot full of unexpected twists to the restore the magical kingdoms after attack the evil Witch Crow and wonderful match-3 levels!The game features:- Unique gameplay: swap and match, enjoy an interesting storyline- Hundreds of original levels with fun gameplay.- Hundreds of original levels with fun and attractive gameplay.- Explore stunning magical world with characters who will become your friends, meet with everyone!- Dozens of unique amulets to improve your abilities!- A lot of the Magic Kingdoms, each with its own history!- In each kingdoms can be improved fountains and flowerbeds, giving additional bonuses!- Exciting game events will not get bored even experienced players!- Find the key of the Season Match with your friends from Facebook and defeat them all!- Synchronization of game progress on all your devices- It is possible to play without an internet connection- Works well even on slow devices'Season Match: The Puzzle Quest' is a completely free game, all levels can be passed without any additional purchases. But you can always buy extra lives, moves and bonuses to achieve the most impressive results.

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Season Match: The Puzzle Quest 版本更新

- Episode 42 added

- Balance improvements

- User Interface improvements

- You can change your marathon name

- You can clear your progress and start again

Season Match: The Puzzle Quest 类似游戏

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Season Match: The Puzzle Quest 信息







HeroCraft Ltd.




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