Verizon Cloud

Verizon Cloud

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Verizon Cloud 介绍

Verizon Cloud

Your mobile phone puts your digital life in your pocket… until the day that it slips out of your pocket! Verizon Cloud backs up your contacts, photos, videos, music, documents, text and media messages and call logs to secure cloud storage, so you don’t need to lose your important content if you lose your phone. It even makes sure nothing gets left behind when you move to a new phone. Install or upgrade to Verizon Cloud today and if you are on one of our MORE EVERYTHING plans, you get 25 GB storage at no additional cost (all other users get 5GB storage). Verizon offers affordable monthly plans if you need additional storage.

Here are some of the things Verizon Cloud can do for you:
• Securely back up your phone’s content (contacts, photos, videos, and more) to your own cloud account
• Easily transfer content stored on your previous phone to a new one
• Share select media content using your favorite native apps
• Sync the last 90 days of text and media messages on the first sync, and all new text messages thereafter
• Back up content from your PC or Mac’s hard drive to your Verizon Cloud account using the downloadable desktop client. You can then access that content on your mobile devices.
If you are an existing user of Backup Assistant or Backup Assistant Plus, all your content will automatically transfer to Verizon Cloud.
Recommended tip: Go to Settings>Backup Assistant Plus and turn off syncing for everything including Contacts.
This app can be downloaded and used on any smartphone or tablet running Android software. However, this app has been tested and certified for most Verizon Wireless smartphones and tablets. Go to for the complete list

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