Crime Simulator: Russian Mob

Crime Simulator: Russian Mob

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Crime Simulator: Russian Mob

WELCOME TO CRIME SIMULATOR RUSSIAN MOBAre you ready to dive into a beautiful city full of sin, experience the hard-boiled life of a Russian mobster and choose to either uphold your own path or dive into the campaign missions. This Criminal underworld recreates a big area of Russia, where players will be able to freely roam, or take on missions that span in front of you. Crime Simulator Russian Mob features deep car racing action, bikes you can drive. Shoot outs with other gang and mobster members.GET READY FOR A LOT OF GUNPLAY IN CRIME SIMULATOR RUSSIAN MOBYour old gang left you wounded, and you feel betrayed and are thirsty for revenge, and now it’s time to take that revenge. Enjoy the hours of gameplay, explore the different locations with new vehicles, including motorcycles, race cars and normal sedans. Are you ready to own the streets of this big Russian, and spend most of you day shooting and driving in a big crime town. CRIME SIMULATOR RUSSIAN MOB FEATURES:Different guns, different carsFollow the linear path missions or enjoy the free roaming element Race through the streets of a russian cityKill the small time minions and big time thugs of the familiesEarn cash by dropping packages, steal cars and by killing the rivals on your wayBecome a cartel king or small time thugCharacter level systemPolice wanted level, watch out you don’t get into to much trouble to fast Please give us some support by rating our game on Google Play or following us on:Facebook - - -

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