Russian Revolution: Crime Sim

Russian Revolution: Crime Sim

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Russian Revolution: Crime Sim 介绍

Russian Revolution: Crime Sim

THE NEWEST RUSSIAN CRIME SIMULATOR OF 2015 IS HERE!Work your way up the criminal ladder in Russian Revolution: Crime Sim, Dive into action driven shoot outs. Seize your glory as you make your way as a contract killer that is looking for revenge because they have killed your blood brothers, in stunning and countless shoot outs. Destroy your enemies, complete the levels, drive around in a big russian city fight in modern combat environments. Buy armor, fight for your life and become the big time gangster in this russian crime simulator game. It’s time for a revolution within the Russian criminal underworld and you are going to start it all!COUNTLESS MISSIONS WILL KEEP YOU PLAYING FOR HOURS Russian Revolution: Crime Sim, is a super entertaining game where you get to go to the auto, grab the auto and make your way through traffic and the best thing is you can decide what car you will take. So its a good mix between a fun driving simulator, and the ultimate russian crime game. Steal cars in car thief missions where you have to find the car, your boss is asking for. This all to make more money and work your way to the top of the criminal enterprise. Go to the auto, grab the auto and make your way to the delivery point to get cash for it.RUSSIAN REVOLUTION: CRIME SIM GAME FEATURES:Earn money by producing goods in your real estate and make your way to the top.Steal cars, deliver small packages, like a real wise guy.Level system for your character, choose you you like to improve your skill levels.Epic gun fights inside the buildings you like to take over.Super simple and easy controls and super advanced real physics engine.Become the godfather of the russian revolution within the criminal underworld, as you take control of this massive crime empire.Russian Revolution: Crime Sim is set in a massive open world city that is full of different mission types, making this this one of the most fun crime games ever seen on mobile or tablets. The City feels like an open world, that is full of different missions and quests for you to take on.Please give us some support by rating our game on Google Play or following us on:Facebook - - -

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