Duplicate File Finder

Duplicate File Finder

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Duplicate File Finder 介绍

Duplicate File Finder

As our usage of mobile grows, the unnecessary duplicate photo and picture files grows in device randomly, ideally every folder of the phone. The duplicate pictures/photos occupy the lots of phone memory and also reduce the operating speed of phone. Manually it is difficult to find and remove them.
Here is the "Duplicate Image Finder" for you which can scan through your entire phone and finds the duplicate image/picture/photo files for you. You can make judgement yourself if you want to delete by selecting them.
Here are distinctive features of the Duplicate Image Finder
- Search entire phone including external SD Card for duplicate photo/images/pictures very quickly and you can delete.
- Search entire phone for duplicate video files very quickly and you can delete.
- Shows the visual grid for duplicate items on the result page.
- Allow to select and delete the duplicate files.
- Shows the file path right in the grid to make better judgement to delete the files.
Please provide your valuable feedback/comments on the application review section to make application better for you.

来自应用汇: Duplicate File Finder //www.stclairws.com/app/com.vistrav.duplicateimagefinder?from=spi-desc

Duplicate File Finder 版本更新

- Bug fixes

- Faster scan

Duplicate File Finder 类似软件

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Duplicate File Finder 信息







Sharda Gohil

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