Death Match

Death Match

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Death Match 介绍

Death Match

Get ready! Lock & load your guns to go on a thrilling action filled gun shooting spree in this free to play shooting game. With various maps & plenty of weapons this game will keep you on your toes for hours & definitely make you fall in love with it’s non stop gun shooting action gameplay. Compete with your friends in this intense gun shooting action battle game & top the leaderboards to prove that you are the best rifleman & shooter. Death match is not an ordinary gun shooting action game it’s the ultimate shooting arena right in your pocket where you get to be the best rifleman, shooter & a war hero. It’s the perfect game for the die hard fans of first person shooter FPS genre.Military army has been fighting criminal terrorists on frontline defending the frontier for a long time now & has almost defeated them. This has lead to an alliance of global terrorists. This alliance in collaboration with mafia gangsters has made a body whose job is to deploy terrorist teams to every major city. They are taking the war from frontline to major cities destroying all the frontiers. Military army has selected their finest commando soldiers who possess the best fighting, combat & gun shooting skills to form a counter terrorist team. You have been chosen as the leader of the most elite counter terrorist team by army military. Military army expects you to fight the terrorist teams with courage & aggression. To fight the villain terrorists you’re being provided with various different modern guns like pistols, ak 47, m4a1, shot gun, sniper rifle & smg by military army. As an elite commando soldier you are expected by military army to kill the terrorists, save every major city & win this war. You along with your counter terrorist team will be deployed to different areas of every major city. The area would be full of terrorist teams ready to kill you so expect a lot of gun shooting action. There will be gun shooting & fires from every possible direction so aim and fire quickly. Strike hard at the villain enemy & use your military equipment to kill the terrorist. Win this war to be a true war hero & the best soldier commando, rifleman & army sniper shooter.Download now to enter the ultimate shooting arena to fight global terrorists & top the leaderboards. Choose from various modern guns & combat the terrorists in number of different maps. Go on a killing spree as you’ll be in a death match where you respawn as soon as you die! Increase your kill count to win the match & top the leaderboards. Prove that you are the best shooter, sniper shooter & rifleman. Master your aiming with plenty of different guns. The fate of all major cities depend on you so lock & load your modern weapons & guns to defend the frontline. Shoot, kill all the terrorists to be a true war army military hero.

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VOG Studios

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